====== BSR infrastructure ====== ==== TU/e cluster - How to use (by Vincent Huijgen) ==== \\ The BSR server namespace is: **bsr01.win.tue.nl** The available resources are: * 2 processors * 20 cpu-cores * 384 GB memory * 384 GB swap * 482 GB in /home * 24 TB in /data **Linux accounts** use the space in **/home**. They can get space in /data on request. There are no disk-quota imposed. The **database server mysql** uses the space in **/data**. This is a common space for all database accounts . There is **NO backup for /home and /data**. There is **protection against disk failure**, so that one disk may fail without losing data. **Commands** to list resource usage: top processor and memory usage df -h Disk usage system-wide, for each filesystem: size, used, available du -sh $HOME Disk usage of your homedirectory with a convenient unit du -a $HOME Disk usage of all your files and directories in KB Here are some commands to list all installed software packages. To scroll in long lines, use left/right arrows with the suggested less -S . For case-independent searching, we also recommend -i for less. dpkg-query -l | less -iS The standard format, very wide dpkg-query -W -f='${Package;-30}${binary:Summary}\n' | less -iS Name and summary only, easier for browsing and searching dpkg-query -W -f='${Package;-30}${Version;-25}${binary:Summary}\n' | less -iS If the version is important For more advance queries, use aptitude or the Ubuntu web pages. **Availability:** There are currently no formal procedure to announce reboots or other interruptions in the availability. **Replies to your questions:** Your questions may be processed in our "TOPdesk" system. Then you will receive mail with sender address and a Dutch subject like: Extra informatie noodzakelijk omtrent Melding M16101234 Gereedmelding wijziging nr. C1610853 Such subjects indicate status updates which you may not immediately take as an answer to your question. If you reply, you may change the Subject, but you need to the case identifiers.