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====== BSR Winter school organized by TU/e, TUDelft and UTwente ====== {{ :bsr-ws2016:ede.png?750direct }} \\ \\ <WRAP center round info> **If you would like to have more information on the BSR winter school, or if you have specific questions, please contact the school organizers at:** <bsr-ws@listserver.tue.nl> </WRAP> ==== News ==== ---- * **The [[http://bpmcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/reports/2016/BPM-16-10.pdf | proceedings ]] of the winter school is now available online on the [[http://bpmcenter.org | BPM center]]**. * ** The school [[ :bsr-ws2016:materials | materials and pictures]] can be downloaded. This page is updated continuously as more slides are received from our speakers. Pictures are under editing and will be uploaded soon!** * **4 awards were given as following:** * //best poster presentation: [[https://www.tu-braunschweig.de/isf/team/wille | David Wille]] from Braunschweig University of Technology, Germany// * //winners of TU/e hands-on: [[https://www.cs.vu.nl/en/research/information-management-software-engineering/people/aksu-unal/index.aspx| Unal Aksu]] from VU Amsterdam, the Netherlands and [[ https://www.tue.nl/en/university/departments/mathematics-and-computer-science/the-department/staff/detail/ep/e/d/ep-uid/20146488/ | Onder Babur ]] from Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands// * //Winner of TUDelft hands-on: [[http://kodu.ut.ee/~riivokik/|Riivo Kikas]] from University of Tartu, Estonia// * //Winner of UTwente hands-on: [[http://joshuamoerman.nl/|joshua moerman]] from Radboud University, the Netherlands// * **The BSR winter school was more than successful. We received 56 applications and accepted 34 participants. We are grateful to all lecturers and participants of the school for their enthusiasm and active participation. Our gratitude is also due to all members of the 3TU.BSR project for their hard work in organizing and preparing excellent material for the school.** \\ \\ ==== General Information ==== ---- ### The BSR winter school on **Big Software on the Run: Where Software meet Data** is organized by the three Dutch technical universities, Eindhoven University of Technology, Delft University of Technology and University of Twente. It is a six-day event featuring tutorials and hands-on sessions delivered by leading researchers in **software analytics** and **process mining** fields. \\ \\ The BSR winter school brings together university researchers including PhD students and postdoctoral-fellows as well as professionals from industry who are interested in discussing and developing new ideas combining approaches from multiple software analytics related disciplines. \\ \\ The school is organized in close collaboration with Dutch research schools [[http://www.siks.nl|SIKS]], [[http://www.asci.tudelft.nl/|ASCI]] and [[http://www.win.tue.nl/ipa/|IPA]] and will run from Sunday 23rd to Friday 28th October, 2016. The venue is [[http://hoteldepaasberg.nl/|Hotel de Paasberg]] in Ede, the Netherlands. ### \\ \\ ==== Speakers ==== ---- <WRAP group> <WRAP class left third column> {{ :bsr-ws2016:margaret.png?direct }} <html><center><b>Margaret-Anne Storey <br/> University of Victoria, British Columbia </b></center></html> </WRAP> <WRAP class left third column> {{ :bsr-ws2016:robert.png?direct }} <html><center><b>Robert DeLine <br/> Microsoft Research, USA</b></center></html> </WRAP> <WRAP class left third column> {{ :bsr-ws2016:bram.png?direct }} <html><center><b>Bram Adams <br/> Polytechnique Montréal, Canada</b></center></html> </WRAP> <WRAP class left third column> {{ :bsr-ws2016:frits.png?direct }} <html><center><b>Frits Vaandrager <br/> Radboud University, Netherlands</b></center></html> </WRAP> <WRAP class left third column> {{ :bsr-ws2016:georgius.png?direct }} <html><center><b>Georgios Gousios <br/> Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands </b></center></html> </WRAP> <WRAP class left third column> {{ :bsr-ws2016:mark.png?direct }} <html><center><b>Mark van den Brand <br/> Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands </b></center></html> </WRAP> <WRAP class left third column> {{ :bsr-ws2016:wil.png?direct }} <html><center><b>Wil van der Aalst <br/> Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands</b></center></html> </WRAP> <WRAP class left third column> {{ :bsr-ws2016:arie.png?direct }} <html><center><b>Arie van Deursen <br/> Delft University of Technology, Netherlands</b></center></html> </WRAP> <WRAP class left third column> {{ :bsr-ws2016:jaco.png?direct }} <html><center><b>Jaco van de Pol <br/> University of Twente, Netherlands</b></center></html> </WRAP> <WRAP class left third column> {{ :bsr-ws2016:marieke.png?direct }} <html><center><b>Marieke Huismann <br/> University of Twente, Netherlands </b></center></html> </WRAP> <WRAP class left third column> {{ :bsr-ws2016:zeki.png?direct }} <html><center><b>Inald Lagendijk <br/> Delft University of Technology, Netherlands </b></center></html> </WRAP> <WRAP class left third column> {{ :bsr-ws2016:jack.png?direct }} <html><center><b>Jack van Wijk <br/> Eindhoven University of Techynology, Netherlands</b></center></html> </WRAP> </WRAP> \\ \\ <html><a class="twitter-timeline" href="https://twitter.com/BSR_community" data-widget-id="694163073775595520">Tweets by @BSR_community</a> <script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+"://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");</script></html> \\ \\ ==== Scope & Goal ==== ---- ### Software systems have grown increasingly large and complex in today’s highly interconnected world. Communication, production, healthcare, transportation and education all increasingly rely on "Big Software". This increasing dependence makes reliable software systems a major concern and stresses the need for effective prediction of software failures. Since software is evolving and operates in a highly dynamic and changing environment, it becomes difficult if not impossible to anticipate all problems at design-time. ### ### Within the BSR research program that has started in 2015, we propose to **shift the main focus from a priori software design to a posteriori software analytics**, thereby exploiting the large amounts of event data generated by today's systems. The core idea is to **study software systems in vivo**, i.e., at runtime and in their natural habitat. We would like to understand the actual behavior of software, to detect and predict future violations (e.g. deviations from some normative model, privacy and security constraints, etc.) and to provide insightful recommendations for software engineering related tasks (e.g. development, testing, debugging, configuration, etc.). This paradigm shift requires new forms of empirical investigation that go far beyond the common practice of collecting error messages and providing software updates. Novel techniques in process mining, visualization, security, feedback, and analytics are being developed within a joint collaboration between the three technical universities. ### ### The aim of the BSR winter school is to bring together researchers, industry professionals and students to work on a **multi-perspective and interdisciplinary understanding of the current problems and challenges** related to in vivo software analytics concepts and practices. The school will cover software analytics related topics (including: **dynamic analysis, testing, visualization, security and software analytics in the large**) and **process mining as a new enabler for in vivo software analytics**. Lectures are combined with hands-on sessions that will help you to understand theoretical principles and how to apply them. ### \\ \\ {{:bsr-ws2016:bsr-ws-cfp.pdf|Download call for participation}} {{:bsr-ws2016:flyer-bsr-ws-updated.pdf|Download flyer}} \\ \\ ==== School Directors ==== ---- ### {{:bsr-ws2016:wilvanderaalst.jpg?direct90 }} **Prof.dr.ir. Wil van der Aalst** is a full professor of Information Systems at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. At TU/e he is the scientific director of the Data Science Center Eindhoven. His personal research interests include workflow management, process mining, Petri nets, business process management, process modeling, and process analysis. In 2013, he was appointed as Distinguished University Professor of TU/e and was awarded an honorary guest professorship at Tsinghua University. In 2015, he was appointed as honorary professor at the National Research University, Higher School of Economics in Moscow. ### \\ \\ ### {{:people:arievandeursen.jpg?direct100 }} **Prof.dr.ir. Arie van Deursen** is professor at Delft University of Technology, where he is heading the Software Engineering Research Group. Arie's research is concerned with the question how people build and evolve software systems, what the problems are with existing software systems, and whether there are better ways of doing software development and evolution. Arie has published in the areas of software testing, software architecture, web 2.0 (and Ajax in particular), aspect-oriented programming, reverse engineering, repository mining, program comprehension, and model-driven engineering. Arie is on the editorial board of Springer's Empirical Software Engineering, Springer's Computing, and of Wiley's Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice. He also serves as a steering committee member of the International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM). ### \\ \\ ==== Organizing Chair ==== ---- ### {{:people:nourassy.png?direct&90 }} **Dr. Nour Assy** is a Postdoc in the Architecture of Information Systems group at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Nour obtained her PhD degree in Computer science from Institut Mines-Telecom, Paris-Saclay, France and her MSc degree from Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon. Her research interests are in (Software) process mining, process variability management and cloud computing. ### \\ \\ \\ \\ ---- <WRAP group> <WRAP class center quarter column> [[https://www.tue.nl/|{{ :bsr-ws2016:tue.png?90 }}]] </WRAP> <WRAP class center quarter column> [[http://tudelft.nl/en/|{{ :bsr-ws2016:tud.png?100 }}]] </WRAP> <WRAP class center quarter column> [[https://www.utwente.nl/en/|{{ :bsr-ws2016:ut.png?200 }}]] </WRAP> <WRAP class center quarter column> [[https://www.3tu.nl/nirict/en/|{{ :bsr-ws2016:nirict.jpg?150 }}]] </WRAP> </WRAP>